EdTrex Rewind

Edtrex Detour - Going to NASA and Beyond with Jaime Cordova

Episode Summary

On May 5th, 2019 NASA launch the Insight Mission to Mars and Matt Winters was lucky enough to be on the NASA Social team. During his time at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, Matt was able to sit down with other members of the NASA Social team. Jaime Cordova was more than happy to sit down and discuss his work with the Griffith Observatory, his future in genetics, and how education allowed him to have diverse experiences in his life. You can feel our excitement about the Insight Launch while we talk.

Episode Notes

Welcome to Edtrex Rewind Episode 15!

On May 5th, 2019 NASA launch the Insight Mission to Mars and Matt Winters was lucky enough to be on the NASA Social team. During his time at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, Matt was able to sit down with other members of the NASA Social team. Jaime Cordova was more than happy to sit down and discuss his work with the Griffith Observatory, his future in genetics, and how education allowed him to have diverse experiences in his life. You can feel our excitement about the Insight Launch while we talk.

Check out Jaime Cordova on Twitter: @jaimecor_94

Check out NASA Social on Twitter: @NASASocial

Check out all things Quin Henderson: @qhenderson

Check out all things Matt Winters: @TeacherWinters

We will be at ISTE this summer. If you are interested in being interviewed or being on the podcast, email us at Quin@edtrex.net or Matt@edtrex.net